How long to cook 1.5 inch steak

What is the recommended cooking time and temperature for a 1.5 inch steak, based on the desired level of doneness (rare, medium, well done, etc.)?



Hi @lthompson2K

Try these guidelines:

For a rare 1.5 inch steak, the recommended cooking time is about 2-3 minutes per side at a high temperature (around 400-450°F). The internal temperature should reach about 120-125°F.

For a medium-rare 1.5 inch steak, the recommended cooking time is about 3-4 minutes per side at a high temperature (around 400-450°F). The internal temperature should reach about 130-135°F.

For a medium 1.5 inch steak, the recommended cooking time is about 4-5 minutes per side at a medium-high temperature (around 375-400°F). The internal temperature should reach about 140-145°F.

For a medium-well 1.5 inch steak, the recommended cooking time is about 5-6 minutes per side at a medium-high temperature (around 375-400°F). The internal temperature should reach about 150-155°F.

For a well-done 1.5 inch steak, the recommended cooking time is about 6-7 minutes per side at a medium temperature (around 350-375°F). The internal temperature should reach about 160°F or higher.



Additional from @maxrodriguezart88 suggestion:

It is important to note that those cooking times and temperatures above are general guidelines and may vary based on factors such as the type of meat, the starting temperature of the steak, and the accuracy of the cooking equipment.

It is recommended to use a meat thermometer to accurately gauge the internal temperature of the steak and ensure it is cooked to the desired level of doneness.
